Agreement between a subject and a verb is one of the fundamental rules of grammar that every writer must follow. If you are a writer or blogger looking to improve the SEO ranking of your website, then proper subject-verb agreement is crucial. In this article, we will explore the rules of subject-verb agreement and provide practical tips to make your writing more effective.

Subject-verb agreement means that the verb in a sentence agrees with the subject in terms of both number and person. For example, in the sentence «he runs,» the verb «runs» agrees with the singular third-person subject «he.» Similarly, in the sentence «they run,» the verb «run» agrees with the plural third-person subject «they.» It is important to note that subject-verb agreement does not only apply to third-person subjects but to all persons and numbers.

There are some basic rules that govern subject-verb agreement, and these are as follows:

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs. For instance, «The dog barks» uses the singular verb «barks» to agree with the singular subject «dog.» Conversely, «The dogs bark» uses the plural verb «bark» to agree with the plural subject «dogs.»

2. Collective nouns such as team, crew, and family can be singular or plural, and the verb should agree with how they are being used in the sentence. For example, «The team is playing well» uses the singular verb «is» because the team is treated as a single unit. But, «The team are playing well» uses the plural verb «are» to indicate that the members of the team are performing well individually.

3. Compound subjects linked by «and» are considered plural and require a plural verb. For example, «Bob and Mary are going to the park» uses the plural verb «are» to agree with the compound subject «Bob and Mary.»

4. When a singular subject is followed by phrases such as «along with,» «in addition to,» or «together with,» the verb should agree with the subject, not the additional phrases. For example, «The manager, along with her staff, is going to the conference» uses the singular verb «is» to agree with the singular subject «manager.»

5. When using «either/or» or «neither/nor» constructions, the verb agrees with the subject closer to the verb. For instance, «Neither the cats nor the dog is allowed in the house» uses the singular verb «is» to agree with the singular subject «dog,» which is closer to the verb.

Correct subject-verb agreement is crucial for SEO because search engines use algorithms to understand the meaning of content on a website. If the subject-verb agreement is incorrect, the search engine may perceive the content as poorly written, and the website may get a lower ranking in search results.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that every writer must follow. By understanding the basic rules and applying them consistently in your writing, you can ensure that your content is clear, concise, and effective. Proper subject-verb agreement can also improve the SEO ranking of your website, making it easier for readers to find and engage with your content.